My daughter Aubrey turned two in February. I still can't believe I have a two year old. She's grown up so much and changed so fast in these past few months. Her vocabulary has exploded and she's becoming a little parrot.
Although it took her a while to start saying a lot of the words she knew, one that she's had down for a long long time is "Elmo". The red furry monster is definitely a favorite for her. Although Sesame Street is now vying for the top TV request with "the Mouse" I think it's safe to say Elmo will be a favorite for a while. When it came time to think about a theme for Aubrey's second birthday, there was no question that Elmo and friends would be perfect.
I started with an invitation that my sister, Nikki of
Doodle Dog Advertising designed for me. From there Pinterest and Party City helped me out with a few ideas. My friend Sarah of
Sarah's Shirts made Aubrey's adorable Elmo shirt. I just love how it turned out and it's one of her favorites in her closet.
Elmo invitations from Doodle Dog Advertising |
Aubrey was in awe when she came downstairs the morning of the party to see that Elmo was everywhere. We had hung a great big mural of Sesame Street characters on the wall and Aubrey loved them. I made Elmo and Cookie Monster cookies that she loved, all we heard was "cookie pleeeeease mama." I haven't worked with fondant in a long time and need to practice a bit more, I ran out of time towards the end on the cake but I think it turned out pretty cute although I would have done a few things differently next time. The fruit and vegetable trays were one of my favorite ideas I found on Pinterest, they turned out so cute! We made thank you bags for the kiddos... I just picked up some small red paper bags and filled them with some Sesame Street bubbles, a character medal, some Elmo tattoos, a Memory game, and some candy. I printed out thank you labels on the Sesame Street sign and folded them over the tops of the bags to close them.
Elmo and Cookie Monster Cookies |
Sugar cookie recipes can be found here - I used royal icing to decorate these in layers. I drew the eyeballs on with an edible marker. Although they take a bit of time, I love decorating cookies with royal icing.
Sesame Street Cake |
I baked
this cake, it's one of my favorites as it's a very traditional yellow cake recipe. I think it's perfect for a kid's party, nothing fancy but it's delicious and it stays so moist. I brush the layers with a simple syrup before frosting to lock in moisture and use vanilla bean paste instead of extract to add even more flavor. I filled it with a simple vanilla buttercream and used the same to crumb coat and frost the outside before covering it with fondant. The fondant is homemade marshmallow fondant,
see this post for the recipe and tips. While it's a little more work, it tastes so much better than the storebought kind.
Oscar and Elmo vegetable and fruit platters |
Oscar is made crispy kale chips, black olives for a mouth, carrots for a nose, and sliced portabello mushrooms for eyebrows. Some garlic hummus in small plastic cups make up his eyes. Elmo's face is made up of sliced strawberries. Sliced purple grapes make his wide mouth and peeled orange slices are his nose. His eyes are cups filled with marshmallow cream cheese fruit dip.
Opening presents - she had so much fun with it this year! |
Pin the Nose on Elmo - stickers are lots of fun for Aubrey and her best buddy Hannah |
Aubrey and Madeleine loved the huge "scene setter" I picked up from Party City. It's actually about 5' by 5' or something huge so it was fun for the girls to see the great big characters in their living room. Definitely worth the $6 price tag at Party City - I can't believe how nice this was for the cheap price tag.
We had so much fun celebrating with so many friends and family members. Thank you so much to all of you who came to celebrate my baby girl turning two!
Happy birthday Aubrey! I can't believe how much you have grown and changed over the past two years. You continue to amaze me every day with how much goes through your curious little mind. You are constantly learning and sharing new things. While these past two years have flown by, it also seems like you've been a part of my life forever. I love you little girl!
Your Elmo birthday party is soooo cute! We would love to have you share this great party post at our Strut Your Stuff Saturday link party at Have a great week. -The Six Sisters